Following the outbreak of the corona virus in the world and now in Kenya and subsequent government pronouncements on the same, the firm has taken the following measures to safeguard the health of our staff and clients while ensuring that we continue delivering services to our clients.

Personal health and safety

The staff have been sensitised on the need to protect self in line with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.


Face to face meetings are to be avoided; where possible. Staff are encouraged to hold e-meetings.

Health and safety in the office

The office will remain open. Coming to the office, however, will be on a need basis only.

Hand sanitizers have been provided for use by staff and visitors coming to the office.

Work tops are being cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Working from home

The firm has made arrangements for staff to work from home. Staff will be reachable on phone and email and will respond promptly during working hours.

Working at client premises

We are engaging individual clients on the best way to continue service delivery and to explore the possibility of working remotely.

Where working at client premises is deemed necessary, staff will take personal health measures as well as adhere to the measures taken by the client.

We will continue to monitor the situation and government directives on a daily basis and update our response accordingly.

Above all, STAY SAFE!

Michael Kimani

Managing Partner